Art collective teamLab’s exhibition Galaxy & teamLab: Catching and Collecting in the Sea of Life opens September 29 at Galaxy Harajuku in Tokyo. Based on the concept of Catch, Study, Release, this new learning space invites visitors to explore and capture various sea creatures with a Galaxy smartphone, study them, and create their very own collection book.
Fish and other sea creatures move seamlessly throughout the space in the exhibition, transcending the boundaries between the physical world and the world in the Galaxy smartphone.The exhibition follows Galaxy & teamLab: Catching and Collecting in the Sacred Forest, previously held at the venue which featured endangered and extinct animals. Galaxy & teamLab: Catching and Collecting in the Sea of Life is held in collaboration between teamLab and Galaxy Harajuku.
teamLab, Catching and Collecting in the Sea of Life © teamLab
Fish and other sea creatures have been an integral part of the human diet for centuries. Such fish are consumed on a daily basis. Some sea creatures are now endangered and some have already gone extinct, all these creatures live in this Sea of Life. When you touch a sea creature, it will run away or hide.
When you use the smartphone’s camera to look at a fish swimming in the space and release a Study Arrow at the fish through the camera, the arrow flies out from the phone into the real space. When the Study Arrow reaches the fish, it disappears from the space and is added to the smartphone collection. Information about the captured fish will be stored in the app’s collection book. To release the captured fish, swipe towards a location you can see in the app’s camera and it will return to that location.
You can also throw a Study Net at your feet to catch sea creatures. Work together with those around you, use your body to drive sea creatures from the seafloor into the Study Net to capture them, and watch as they disappear from the space and, at the same time, appear in your collection book. Swipe the captured creatures away to release them at your feet.
The more you capture the same sea creature, the more detailed information you can record in your collection book.
teamLab, Catching and Collecting in the Sea of Life © teamLa
Galaxy & teamLab: Catching and Collecting in the Sea of Life #teamLabGalaxy
Sep 29, 2022 – End Date TBD
Galaxy Harajuku (1-8-9, Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo)
Priority Entrance Ticketing Site: Galaxy Harajuku:
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